Backing up on your own may seem easy, but it’s important to take the advice of an expert when deciding on what to backup and how often. SOLVit Network Support works with you to ensure you have the right plan in place for your data protection needs. In the event of a disaster, SOLVit’s Backup Solutions will be there to help you restore your data and get your business back in action. SOLVit Online Backup is an ideal backup solution for businesses with multiple servers, workstations, laptops and mobile devices.
Datto Cloud (SaaS) backup
The Datto SaaS (Software as a Service) Protection is a robust, cloud-to-cloud backup solution for SaaS applications, including Office 365 and G-Suite. There’s a common misconception among SaaS users that backup isn’t necessary for their data because it exists in the cloud. This is incorrect. SaaS applications are just as vulnerable to data loss as on-premise apps because the primary cause of data loss is human error. Saas vendors are unable to distinguish if the actions of individual users are done in error or deliberately. This is where Datto SaaS Protection comes in to play.
Datto Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR)
Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) is a managed disaster recovery solution which provides a highly reliable disaster recovery services with recovery point and recovery time objectives. If your server fails, is infected by malware or ransomware, you wouldn’t be able to quickly get back to work if you only had file-level backup. If your server needed to be replaced, your staff would be offline until the new server arrived. All software and data would need to be downloaded, re-installed and restored to the new server. With a Datto BCDR solution, you can mount your last onsite backup in the Datto appliance as a virtual server and be back up and running in minutes, not hours or days.
“On a couple of occasions vital programs stopped operating which meant I couldn’t work. I contacted the SOLVit team and within an hour or so of contacting them, they had restored the programs which let me continue running my business. Without them, I would have lost months worth of work.”
Maciej Stanek
Franchise Owner Freedom Finance Canberra
Rest easy at night knowing that your backups are on auto-pilot.
SOLVit can configure a backup solution for all your business data and online services, including:
- Windows servers and workstations
- Microsoft Exchange and SQL servers
- Hyper-V and VM-Ware Virtual Servers
- Office 365 mailbox’s, OneDrive, Teams & SharePoint sites
- G-Suite mailboxes and Google Drive
- File and Folder Backup
All SOLVit cloud backup solutions use AES Encryption whilst your data is in transit and at rest to ensure your data is safe and secure. SOLVit uses only Australian Data Centre’s that are geographically separated for redundancy purposes, ensuring you have access to your data when you need it.